By: Rich Walker, Your Spiritual Health & Fitness Expert/Spirit-led Personal Trainer

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, 5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (KJV)
Your Heavenly Father knows the solution to every problem that you currently face: This includes the problems that you have concerning your health. This is good news! Hear me clearly…God’s perfect will for your life is for you to be WHOLE.  In other words, your Heavenly Father wants you healthy in your spirit, your soul, and your body. Your spirit is the “real you”. It is the part of you that is created in the image and likeness of God. When you received the Lord Jesus into your life, your spirit became new. Your soul is your mind, will and emotions. And, you live in a physical body that allows you to function here on this earth. Each one of these aspects of your being is important to God.

Divine Responsibility and Stewardship

You have a divine responsibility to show yourself as an excellent manager over everything that God has placed under your authority. This includes your spirit, soul, and body.

It is possible for you to reach your full potential in your health, fitness, and overall wellness with the help of Holy Spirit. Yes, Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth, including the truth about your health. Understand…it is not a requirement for you to be sick and diseased based on your age, race, and family history. Sickness and disease DO NOT have to be the norm for your life.

It is possible for you to reach your full potential in your health, fitness, and overall wellness with the help of Holy Spirit. Yes, Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth, including the truth about your health. Understand…it is not a requirement for you to be sick and diseased based on your age, race, and family history. Sickness and disease DO NOT have to be the norm for your life.

Faith Project

Surely, you can decide to change your current normal. Unfortunately, your current normal may be pain in your body, sickness and disease of various kinds, and numerous daily

medications.  You must push back against this unfavorable condition. But, you do not have to do it alone. Holy Spirit is your helper, and he will help you in the area of your health.

Be pleased to know…God is concerned about you! He has you on his mind. It is not acceptable to God that you are sick and diseased or that your body is weakened. He LOVES you dearly. It is time for you to begin a NEW FAITH PROJECT with Holy Spirit as your partner.

Make a commitment to acknowledge God in your health and fitness. Welcome Him to guide you. If you do this, He will definitely direct your paths.  

By: Rich Walker, Your Spiritual Health & Fitness Expert/Spirit-led Personal Trainer